Q&A time

This week my daughter asked me if I would be willing to do a Q&A for the blog. While I do not particularly like talking about myself, I thought this would be a good chance for people to learn a little more about me and my work. So here goes!

Q. What does your perfect day look like?
A.  A perfect day for me would start with coffee and photographing a colorful sunrise, then to spend a day working with clients on over the top creative portraits, some dinner and laughter with my family and then end the day with photos of a stunning sunset in the AZ desert.

Q. How did you learn photography?
A.  I taught myself. I read a lot of books, had a friend who mentored me, and I picked up a camera and shoot everything around me.

Q. What are 5 words that describe you?
A.  Insecure

Q. What would you do if you won the lottery?
A.  Payoff all of my debt, buy property to have as a studio/gallery, and make space for other artists to do what they love. I just want to help people achieve their dreams.

Q. Did you imagine you would be a photographer when you were younger?
A.  No, I just wanted to be me.

Q. What is your favorite type of photography?
A.  Landscape, anything that isn't going to move on me like people do

Q. Who do you most admire in life?
A.  It’s kinda a complicated answer, it is not who but what. People who overcome the hard kicks and hits that life throws at them and still have such a positive attitude about life. People who don’t let life define them, they define themselves..

Q. What are you most afraid of?
A.  I am most afraid of losing the people I care about, or not being there when they need me the most.

Q. Why did you choose photography?
A.  Because it is a peaceful and a relaxing thing for me. (Although I am always a nervous wreck before a shoot!) I like trying to capture the beauty that I see and hopefully do a good enough job of it that other people can see the beauty too.

Q.  If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?

A.  It is a hard question to answer because there are so many places, Greece would a great place because I could explore , Russia for the architecture, France for all the museums, and just about anywhere else in the world. I would love to visit all these places and more to take photos, eat the amazing food, and just explore the new and amazing cultures!  


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