Creative Ramble
I believe that everyone one of us is creative in one way or another, we all just tap into it differently and follow different paths. If we could access old blog posts you would see that something about this time of year tends to see me thinking a lot about creativity. Best explanation that I have for it is that where most people do the whole "New Year Thing", you know think about where they are and then make those resolutions that last maybe 2 months, I'm more of a once a quarter kind of gal and have been since I was very young. I like taking a look at where I am and figuring out if I want to make changes to things or if I'm good with where and how things are. My creativity always ends up being a part of this pondering. Am I doing what I want to be doing? Am I doing what I should be doing? Is there a reason for me to be doing any of it at all? Most of the time the answers are I am doing what I want to be doing, but maybe just tweak a couple of things here and there because like everyone I've stepped a little bit to far off of the path that I want to follow because things happen that make us doubt ourselves. I rarely doubt that I'm not doing what I should be doing though because even on the worst days of doubting my path, the passion that I feel about needing to do it stays strong. The last question about having a reason for doing it is the easiest of all for me...because I want to. I want to create not just for my clients but for myself. Every time I pick up my camera there is calm that is created for me. There is a reminder of all of the beauty that surrounds us in this world every day, that many of us may not even bother to slow down enough to see. I look through my camera and see the beauty even in some of what other might view as the ugliest things. When creating for any of my clients it gets the added bonus of listening to them and figuring out just what their "beauty" that they are looking for is. We all have a different way of defining that and that is part of what I love about doing all of this. We aren't all happy, shinning, smiling people. We aren't all brooding, darker, frowning either. We are all over the place and that is what makes it so great! We all like different styles, different looks, different ideas. Remembering to embrace and learn from all of it is what is important. You can't continue to nurture the creativity if you don't leave open space for it grow in.
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