Take the deep breath

Life gets so crazy, busy and hectic that most of the time we forget to take the deep breath and just enjoy the world around us.  Factor in different times of the year, like the holidays and it gets even more insane.  For me I'm standing right at the start line of this.  October brings the flood of calls and emails about getting all things holiday portraits scheduled.  So of course what am I doing...I'm sitting here working on idea's for an event and a new special package (What else would I be doing on a Monday morning?)  The package is going to be the "Your Beautiful You" and has been created because of calls recently that aren't for glamour, but are kind of.  They aren't for boudoir, but are kind of.  They just don't fit into any real area, so how about we just let you define what your beautiful you is.  As for the event side of this, well that is a work in progress since I just had the thought less than 48 hours ago.  Working out the when and where will take just a little more time.  The hope will be that in the next couple of weeks I will have enough time to get that part figure out.  In the mean time what would Your Beautiful You look like?  


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