Another week and yet another blog post! I'm going to keep pushing the believe in yourself thought because we all need something positive. Ask any photographer what they hear the most from clients after the typical questions about costs, time, and locations, and I'm willing to bet that a good share would say they hear the following..."I don't photograph well at all!" or "I hate how I look in photo's!". If I had a dollar for every time I have heard that in the last 4 years I wouldn't need to work at all! The Be You project that we did was all about just being yourself. I understand that it is a difficult thought to embrace for a lot of people. We think and feel that we need to be accepted by the people around us. We think and feel that we need that reassuring "Way to go" from other's. What we forget is that we need it most from ourselves. We could have a huge group of people following us around daily saying all the positive things that we think we want to hear, but if you don't believe it from inside yourself it won't do any good. Having the strength to stand up and say I believe in me and I'm perfect exactly how I am is not the easiest thing in the world, but it is something that is needed.
I do photography because of having been in such dark places over my lifetime that I thought for sure there was no beauty in this world. Looking through the lens of the camera showed me and has taught me that you just have to look at it, you just have to hear it! Believe in yourself and you can do anything! I tell clients repeatedly when I hear the comments about not photographing well or hating how they look in photo's that they are perfect. I mean it when I say it because I believe in myself and believe that sometimes it just takes that one person believing in you that can make a difference. Let that one person be you and you may be amazed at what real strength you have.
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