6th Anniversary
Going through archived photos yesterday triggered a sudden thought for me. On July 12th I have been in business for 6 years! Funny how one simple photo can trigger so many thoughts, but this one has for me. All the changes we have gone through. All the struggles to get it figured out. Remembering when we were closing out year two and I was ready to just call it quits and be done. If you had told me that year that we would still be going and to just hang on and keep going, I probably would have just laughed at you. Here we are though!
We made changes for the better, we have made some changes that left us wondering just what was going through our minds, but we kept at it. This started as just Me/I. Now with Cheyenne on as photographer/art department/best assistant EVER! Todd, my husband and the most incredible “Can you make this work for me?” guy EVER! Stephanie and Paige, my oldest daughters who put up with my never ending questions about is this better or is it this one? There is an endless list of friends that I could list out also but I’m actually trying to stay on track here. They all make up the “We” that I refer to anymore. They have all listened to me when I have been ranting and throwing a fit. They have been there reminding me to not give up. They have given me looks but supported just about every crazy idea that I have had! Thank you to all of them for being such a great support system!
Thank you to everyone that I have worked with in the last 6 years, and everyone who keeps coming back to allow me to capture more moments of life for you. Thank you to all the new clients that have filled my 2018 with so many new adventures and those yet to come!
I may have never imagined getting to this point, but I’m so glad that I didn’t give up. It isn’t easy...but I really don’t think that it should be. If it was so easy how would we appreciate how far we have come?
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