FAQ: Why Do Photoshoots Take So Long & Why Does It Take So Long To Get My Photos Back?

Welcome back people! Glad to have you here. We did our first official Wednesday Why over on our Facebook page. Our awesome boss and owner of Angelstorms Photography is hosting one every week and answering questions we often get asked from clients. This is so you can get to know us better and we can shed some light on frequently asked questions. I attached it down below for everyone to see. Now let's go ahead and dive into the good stuff...

Facebook Live: Wednesday Why

Why Do Photoshoots Take So Long?

Number One
Well a big reason is for the clients comfort. A lot of people are going to be nervous in front of the lens, due to lack of experience, confidence, and trust in the photographer. Once you have an established relationship going, the trust builds and then so does the confidence. Sometimes we will even give you a little sneak peek to show you how well you're doing.

It's our job to make you look and feel as good as possible, so we want to take the time to get you comfortable and get the shot.

Number Two
Getting ready for a photoshoot can take longer than people expect, so being late to a shoot is pretty common. This cuts into our time together, so we tend to factor this into our time block.

Number Three
Some locations require a little bit of a hike or walk to get to that perfect, magical area. If this is the case, we need to make sure we have the time to do so. We don't want us or the clients to get flustered.

Number Four
One of the more special shoots, like a senior session can involve multiple locations and/or multiple outfits. If this is the case, then we usually block off half to about a whole day.

What To Expect
Hopefully that answers all your questions and gives you some insight on our end. Our baseline is usually about an 1 1/2 hours, so if you contact us factor that in to the day when we are scheduling.

Why Does It Take So Long To Get Our Photos Back?

We Are A Business
We have other clients and commitments, so we have a cue of photos already demanding our time. This doesn't mean yours isn't important, it just means we have prior time commitments and have to juggle editing multiple shoots. 

It Takes Far Longer To Edit Than To Shoot
We take the time to sort through photos, upload to Lightroom, then take it through Photoshop, and after all that we double and triple check. Finally we have to upload to our photo hosting website and then you get the happy ding in your mailbox that yay they've arrived!! 

Sometimes We Are Out In The Field, aka Out Of Office
As photographers, our schedules are all over the place. Some days it's meetings, photoshoots, and emails. Others it's editing all day. Every day is varied, and that's part of the fun, but it also means a little bit of unpredictability. We do prioritize our clients, however, so your photos should get back to you within a few weeks of shooting with us. 

Alright folks, hopefully that cleared some things up! Please feel free to contact us over on our Facebook page or check out our website to see our portfolio. Have a fabulous day! 


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