Laughter is always best
"The more I live, the more I think humor is the saving sense."
~Jacob August Riis~
Alright so there are lots of things very wrong with this photo but I was determined to get this photo and without a ladder handy...because I don't actually carry one around with me and probably really should...I had to put the camera over my head and shoot totally blind. Like I've been saying though it is all about just making those choices sometimes.
I'm not really sure that there is a message with this photo other than I have long had a thing for photographing things like this. I guess because even in the imperfections of the whole thing there is pure perfection for me when I look at it. It could be because I know the story of how and what I had to do to capture it and to me that never giving up thing is a huge deal. I said I wanted to get a photo of it and look...I DID! It also makes me laugh to think about what a sight I must have been to anyone going through the area seeing the "short girl" having issues trying to get a good angle to capture a photo of something that not a lot of people would even care about. I see the beauty in this world around me in just about everything though. So for today let's laugh about the idea of the "short girl" climbing, jumping, hanging on or off things to try to get the shoot or laugh about whatever it is strange that you do that is odd or you are sure would be if anyone were watching. Remember there is perfection in this world even the odd things and that includes all of us.
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