Tiny Things

"Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in you heart."
~Winnie the Pooh~
Oh so many tiny things in this world!  Alright so I will admit that I spent a good share of the day yesterday wandering around during breaks from working, to find whatever tiny things I could.  I'm sure some would say that there is just something no quiet right about me...I would say that isn't a huge surprise!  

The quote is the first one that came to mind and possibly much to her great dislike I will share that my youngest daughter is the reason for it because she was and still is a huge Winnie the Pooh fan.  It is the tiny things that tend to take up the most room in your heart.  The tiny things can cause the most stress.  The tiny actions can have the largest impact.  We have the ability even with the smallest of actions to make the biggest changes in our world, even if it is just something simple.  


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