Where to start?
"In photography there is a reality so subtle that it becomes more real than reality"
~Ansel Adams~
Today was a travel kind of day, but not for work. It was a just because you can kind of travel day. Where do you go? What do you do? Well how about just every now and then just going where the road takes you too? Alright so that might not be the very best idea in the world, but why not? Why does it have to have a plan? Why can't it just be?
Alright so my day was kind of planned today but not by me and I really had no idea where or just what we would be doing or ending up at. Along the way today I captured some photo's and really just enjoyed the "No plan" kind of planned out day. To spend a day seeing so many beautiful things and not to have a time schedule for the day was a great way to spend the day. There where many bumpy paved roads and some very twisting dirt roads traveled down and at the end of one of those roads was this lake. So sitting here tonight it just seems like I couldn't have planned a better way to start this weekend than spending the day with the twisting, turning road traveling. Sometimes it is the most random of journeys that are the best. Maybe that is something that we all should remember.
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