"The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are" ~Unknown~ |
How do we get to what it is we want to be doing? How do we get to where we want to be? How do we change things? Why do I keep asking questions? Who am I talking too? Why can't I just drink my coffee and enjoy some flipping peace and quiet this morning MIND?!?! I would toss in an "Oh pretty shiny things!" But thankfully that just hasn't happened today...yet. It is still pretty early in the day though so there is still plenty of time for that.
We change things by making the choice to change them. We get to where we want by making a choice. We get there by making a choice about how we are going go about achieving any set task. So my task for this week is quieting my mind which is much more difficult that most would understand possibly. I basically took the weekend off(ish) to get that process started which then leads to a post like this one today, but hopefully now I can get refocused on things that I need to. Like idea's for photo sessions this week, and getting some photo editing done. Also some in house work like making sure the appointments calendar is synced with the personal so that I'm not having days of why did I put so much into one day! Take time to quiet the mind and suddenly the ideas of how to do whatever can become more clear.
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