Looking around

"Photography is about capturing souls not smiles."
~Dragan Tapshanov~
So what does a photographer do to relax after several hours of non stop editing?  Well they look at photo's that they took just for the heck of it to post on their blog of course!  I mean really what else would we do?  I'm not sure if that is just a me thing but on this one I really hope not.  I finish working or stop to give my eye's, brain and body a break from all of the editing and find myself sitting outside in the sun with my iPad looking through the random photo's that I've captured trying to figure out one to use for a post.  Even better is when I find myself making notes about idea's for upcoming sessions because while I was working I had a great thought of something new to try.  Yeah there might really be something not quiet right about me...oh well I'm pretty good with that.

I stumbled across the quote under the photo a couple of years ago, (yes I have a thing for quotes too...so what!) back to the quote now.  I think about this one often when I'm really busy because sometimes it feels like such a fine line between wanting to capture something with meaning and just getting a job done so I can move on to the next on the schedule.  I try to not be driven in just one direction because I enjoy going with wherever the wind may take my thoughts.  Let's face it the winds don't always blow from just one direction.  I don't know if people look at my work and feel that I capture souls, or if I capture meaning, or if I only capture smiles.  I feel that I strive to capture more than just the smiles and sometimes that is what I have to remind myself of.  At the end of all the work all that matter's is did I capture what the client wanted or if it is for myself, did I capture what I wanted.  That is all that truly matters. 


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