Take time

"Old things are better than new things, because they've got stories in them."
In an attempt to reset the mind and hopefully stop the distraction that has ruled most of my last couple of weeks, I did something very wild today.  I took the whole day off to just do life things.  I know...how odd right?  Early morning trip to drive oldest daughter and son in law to the airport.  A trip to the grocery store, oh and a nap!  There was of course the whole cooking of dinner and enjoying a dinner with family.  It has been a great day for me and probably something that I really needed to do. 

The photo is the remains of an old ranch building which I just love.  Whenever I find things like this I wonder what stories they would tell if only they could talk.  I'm sure that the people that once used it were always very busy and worked very hard daily but I hope that they also took a day every now and then to just relax some and enjoy life with those around them.  


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